Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Mother's day was quite grand and here are the reason's why......I love my girlies soooo much!!!! Thank you, God, for such wonderful blessings in my life!!!

Hope your mom's day was grand as well!!!!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

We're baaaaaack!

Well, we've been absent from the blogosphere for some time now, but we ARE back! Yes, my dad passed away on March 25 and I did a short stint as a career mom, but that's not what God created me to do and it was not submissive to my husband's wishes or my family's either. I'm proud to say I have realigned my priorities and now remember who I was before all the fog settled in. Meds are a good thing when you have the right ones, but when you are constantly changing....I can't begin to describe the fog that I felt like I was in...the mass confusion and uncertainty, the not knowing who I was was tormenting. Thank God for GOOD meds!!!! :0)

We've been re-settling into our family routines slowly. We finally got to use those season passes to Silver Dollar City that we got for Christmas from my mom and grandma!!! What fun! That was the first time my husband and I had been in about 25 years and the first time ever for the girls. Who knew you couldn't do Silver Dollar City all in one day anymore??? LOL

We got our garden planted for the year....corn, okra, squash, zucchini, green beans, lettuce, radishes, onions, cantaloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, green peppers, and my strawberry plants are producing like crazy!!!! Any ideas to keep the birds off my berries???? Thanks for any input! is almost done and I am trying to focus on what to do for next year...what books, systems to use, etc. Remmy will be starting high school so I'm worried about that! EEEKKKKSSS!!!!! She's excited, though. Of course, finances are scary now that we are down to 1 income. We haven't been without any extra supplement in 7 years and I'm worried, but trying to depend on's a learning process! ;o) Money isn't everything, especially not for us. As long as we have a roof, clothes, food, one running vehicle....we'll be okay!!!!!!

There's so much more to tell, but I'm going to leave it at that for now. I'd post pics but on my laptop I don't have a photo editor and the files are too big. :0( Anybody know of a good FREE photo editor I could download????

I hope everyone is enjoying this FABULOUS weather and their families as much as we are!!!!

God Bless!!!
