Here is where I get to brag about my beautiful girls and rant about the frustrations of being a homeschooling family, yet exclaim how much we love it!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Christmas #4-Dec 25 (next 2 last one, I promise, LOL)
CHRISTMAS MORN AT THE THOMAS HOUSEHOLD! Remmy gets a ballerina jewelry holder! Jason can have "WooooPigSOOOOOIIIEEE" hands while workin' on the farm, LOL! Poppa Max enjoys the fun! Nan-Nan lives for this day every year, LOL! Bub's happy w/ his gift!!! How much more can you ask for? LOL
Bub is Jason's sister's son...our nephew. He's my surrogate son, LOL! (but not a real smiler for the camera...most pics he's making either really goofy faces or he looks mad or disappointed, LOL, so I was happy to get a good one!
I'm a born again daughter of the one and only King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. I'm also a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom with 3 precious little girls and one fantastic husband. This is our third year of homeschooling and we are LOVING it!!! I'm also a 4-H mom, soccer mom, and ballet mom. We live on a small farm with about 30 head of cattle, 4 horses, 4 cats, 3 dogs, many ducks that come and go, turtles, and anything else that wanders along! I LOVE being a mom and a devoted housewife. It's a calling. I love about every kind of music (except foul) and enjoy a good book when I have time (except smutty). I also love being frugal and sometimes post about the great deals I find in order to "spread it around." I hope you find something here you enjoy, but if you don't, stay around a day or two and I'm sure you'll find something TOTALLY different!!!
Who is Bub?
You know, you really should post more often so you don't have to post so much at once!! ;-) ha ha
Bub is Jason's sister's son...our nephew. He's my surrogate son, LOL! (but not a real smiler for the camera...most pics he's making either really goofy faces or he looks mad or disappointed, LOL, so I was happy to get a good one!
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