Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oh me, oh my

Just a quick note to let you know I'm still here. Life is hectic this time of year and dad is going downhill quicker and quicker. It's good that I don't have to fit school in right now, because I'm not sure I could! I hope to post more soon as I have tons of pics from the past month, but won't have any in the near future since my camera DIED. Ugh.

Hope your summers are all going well! Stay cool if you are in the nasty Arkansas humidity!!!!!!!!


Wendy said...

Thank for the brief (and vague!) update! I know you're busy, and tired. You haven't told me the whole shebang yet, about the last doctor's appt. I hope you're okay. I know your dad is not...
We're praying for you all. Love you.

Jerri Dalrymple said...

Sorry it's short and vague...NO TIME! lol Thanks for the prayers and love. :0)

Gimped Redneck said...

Prayer's are certainly being sent up!

Keep smiling Jerri, it's all part of the plan.

Wendy said...

It's been a long time, dear lady! We need some new post material! ;-)

It was good to see you today. I miss you all!

Suzanne said...

I echo what Wendy 5 MONTHS AGO!