Saturday, September 8, 2007

Jaslyn and friend at Cherokee Holiday PowWow, Sept. 1, 2007. The girls were able to don their tribal shawls and dance with the other tribal members. They loved it!


Suzanne said...

I'm so glad you started your blog. They are such fun to keep up with everyone...kinda like peeking in your neighbors windows to see parts of their lives...aren't you glad you're not one of my neighbors?! How fun was the pow wow. Do you have to be a Cherokee to attend? I would love to take the kids sometime.

Wendy said...

Ha, ha, Suazenne, even your comments are funny!!

Yes, Jerri, I'm so glad that you are in cyber world now blogging with us!! That is great. Write often!! :-)

Jerri Dalrymple said...

Thanks, Suzanne and Wendy! You were, after all, the inspiration! LOL
Suzanne-the Cherokee powwow is for anyone. They have a lot of dances that they invite any and all visitors to take part in, and the steps are really easy. Also, throughout the whole weekend they have tons of special events and free carnival rides, etc. Of course, there's the Cherokee Nation Heritage Center which is always open. They have a year round re-enactment sort of thing that kids love. is the website, I do believe, and you can find out all the details! I'll look forward to seeing you and your kiddos dance! :)