Our Trip to Branson
The girls and I in front of the Titanic.
There is so much more to post, but I tried to pick and choose. I'm so behind on blogging! I don't think I've blogged half the field trips we've taken this year...we just do so much interesting and fun stuff! It seems like our whole life is a field trip! I'm going to try to blog once per day until I get caught up. Keep in mind it's still soccer season, and we are getting busy with 4-H as well. Thank goodness ballet is nearly over! :0)
Yeah! I was waiting for your next post. I'd say a trip to Branson is an acceptable reason to be temporarily behind on blogging = ) And Wendy went recently too. You all obviously had a great time! Thanks for posting pics = )
I'll be checking back...daily, for more = )
PS Great job with your exercises! How early do you have to get up to exercise before the day gets rolling? Earlier than 5?
Ok...I haven't gotten up before 5am since I worked at La-Z-Boy...unless you count with my last baby, LOL! No...to work out and still get my day started on time I have to get up NO LATER THAN 6:30. Ok...some of you may laugh, but that's stinkin' early for me! I used to be a morning person...somewhere I lost that and now I don't like going to bed very early!!! Maybe my dh rubbed off on me...he's always been a night owl, much more so than me. Do you exercise at night?
UGH!!! My long comment just got erased!!!
I DID say that Branson is awesome. I loved Titanic, too.
Exercise-- I'm unmotivated when I don't have accountability. It was great to walk with Tob, years ago...
Congrats on your determination!
I love the pic of you and the girls. Your hair looks so good!!
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