Okay, I just COULD NOT WAIT to post a pic or two!! You'll just have to forgive the mess that you may see. The floor needs swept VERY badly!!!
This is my peace inducing, happy feeling table. Now.....I just need to train my kids to QUIT placing things here that don't belong!!!! (like library books!)
This is something I worked on last week. I think setting on the floor, leaning against the wall, does not do it the justice it deserves, but couldn't help but snap a pic of it. It's an old window pane that I was given and, well, I just played with it and had fun. I can change things out at any time, so it can change with season or just whimsy! :0) I plan on centering this along our long yellow wall. I'll post a pic of it once it's hung.
Well....back to work! I'm up way too late, but there's SO much I want to get done!!!!
Thanks for looking!
Doesn't it feel good to have your home reflect yourself?? It looks so nice!! Yay!
Looks great!! I love the colors!! The window pane is very cool too.
Thank you ladies so much for your compliments! I'm so wary (sp?) of posting things, and DEFINITELY of changing things, but like I stated in an earlier post, some of you wonderful bloggers out there are inspiring me to not be afraid of color. This room make-over has been a MUCH larger project that I wanted it to be (or, at least, it's taken MUCH longer!!!), but as it nears an end I am really happy! I decoupaged my light-switch cover last night, too, but it was after I took the pics. I also hung a new white sheer curtain over the one window that is finished. I'm not sure that I "love" it, but it will do for now. I'm all about getting it finished at this point!!! :0)
I just keep telling myself, "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful!" It may not be what I imagined it to be at the beginning of the process, but I'm still going with the flow! :)
Thanks, again, for encouraging me along this journey!
I L-O-V-E that first picture. Love it!!! The bright wall with white trim is GOR-geous!! Oh, I'm just so happy that you went with that color. :-)
Your "soothing-smile-inducing" table is a perfect "get away." Those special places make such a difference.
And the window pane!!-- awesome! (Heh-- did you know that I'm in the middle of the same thing!!--only I painted my frames black. Great minds do think alike.)
Okay, what was that color called again? Someday I'm going to get some to put...somewhere. I don't have anything else to paint at the moment, but I'm sure I'll come across something! ;-)
Very nice touch! I like the window pane idea.
The name of the reddish orange color is "Adrenaline." (if you get it at WM, anyway) I wanted it to be more red than orange, but used a white primer. It was my first time really painting indoors and I didn't read the fine print on the back of the little color swatch card that said, "Use gray primer." Oops. Oh well. If I hate it later on, I'll just go over it with a "redder" color, LOL!
The windowpane.... It's funny b/c so many people wonder why we are keeping that old thing. My hubby and I both liked the antique look it has, so...... :0)
Here comes the finale!!!
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